Ich hatte mein keltisches Gewand dabei, leider nur meinen tollen, eisernen Gürtel vergessen... Auch die passenden Schuhe warten noch auf ihre Fertigung.
Als Fotograf fungierte mein lieber Freund Gerald Schutting.
During the holidays in South Tyrol we found a wonderful place for photoshootings, a place called Castelfeder which was occupied many times between the Stone Age and the 15th century.
I had my Celtic clothes with me, unfortunately I forgot my beloved iron girdle... Also the fitting shoes still wait for their making.
Photographer was my best fried Gerald Schutting.
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Mit Gudrun Wieser (gekleidet im Empiredress) und Mauer aus dem 6. Jh. (byzantinisch) With Gudrun Wieser (dressed in an Empure dress) and wall from the 6th century (Byzantine) |
Wundervolle Bilder!! ...vor allem das letzte mag ich... ^^