Vor kurzem war ich auf Urlaub am Gardasee. Und wie üblich durfte auch diesmal ein Photoshooting nicht fehlen. Da eine liebe Freundin mit war, die auch LARPt und in meiner Elbengruppe dabei ist, haben wir die Gelegenheit genutzt und unsere Inselelben Calavel und Luinnelloth abgelichtet. Mein sandfarbener Chiton gehört zwar nicht zu diesem Charakter, aber der Wind war so herrlich, dass alles andere ausgefallen ist.
Ja, ich weiß, wir haben die spitzen Ohren vergessen - aber ich bin zu faul, 10 Ohren zu photoshoppen :P
Die Bilder hat mein lieber Freund Gerald Schutting gemacht.
Some weeks ago I was on holiday on Garda lake. And as usual a photoshooting was due. As a dear friend was with us who does also LARP and is in my Elves' group we took the opportunity and shot our island elves Calavel and Luinnelloth. My sand-coloured chiton does actually not belong to Calavel but the wind was so great that anything else would have been wrong.
Yes, I know, we have forgotten our pointed ears, but I am too lazy to photoshop 10 ears :P
The pictures were taken by my dear friend Gerald Schutting.

Ja, ich weiß, wir haben die spitzen Ohren vergessen - aber ich bin zu faul, 10 Ohren zu photoshoppen :P
Die Bilder hat mein lieber Freund Gerald Schutting gemacht.
Some weeks ago I was on holiday on Garda lake. And as usual a photoshooting was due. As a dear friend was with us who does also LARP and is in my Elves' group we took the opportunity and shot our island elves Calavel and Luinnelloth. My sand-coloured chiton does actually not belong to Calavel but the wind was so great that anything else would have been wrong.
Yes, I know, we have forgotten our pointed ears, but I am too lazy to photoshop 10 ears :P
The pictures were taken by my dear friend Gerald Schutting.

Wunderschöne Fotos, die zum Träumen und Dichten einladen... :)